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Employee Journey- Kieran Renshaw

Off to new adventures.......

I started working with Stepping Stones for Families in 2010. I initially applied for an administrative job within their main office in Paisley and went for an Interview. I remember to this day how nervous I was but it went well and I really felt at ease and enjoyed myself. 

They got back to me that day and said instead of the administrative job, they felt I would be more suited to a community worker role that had just opened up in North Glasgow which I gratefully accepted. Thus started my time at the Children’s Inclusion Partnership. From here I worked on for 7 years, a post which originally started off as 6 months long. The job was a lot of fun and I was able to work with local residents from Possilpark, Ruchill and Maryhill doing all sorts of varied and interesting tasks. 

During this time Stepping Stones for Families supported me through a community development honours degree at Glasgow University, work experience for over a month in Australia, several community development festivals from Blackpool to India, training, workshops and even different types of work. At one point, funding came to a halt and Stepping Stones found me a post in a different service until they could cover funding to get me back in my original job, which they did within 3 months.  

I feel I’ve come a long way since 2010 and thanks to all the experience I’ve had in Glasgow and the opportunities that Stepping Stones for Families have encouraged me to take, I’m off to do some more traveling and see how I get on pursing community work across the world. I’m very grateful to Stepping Stones for giving me the platform and support to get this far. With my degree and experience, I’m very excited with what the future could bring.